I considered what I needed to take photos of. In order to show this human connection with a space and surroundings I needed to look at a house that has been lived in, loved in, one that holds memories and treasures of things that have past, a older house. I decided that my Nan’s small bungalow would be perfect for this. I spent a lot of time in her house when I was younger, with my two cousins, after school and during the summer holidays when our parents were at work. We used to play and watch videos, and ride carts up and down the hill. I visited my Nan, took my camera, and whilst having lunch and talking I photographed her little house, capturing the things that I not only remember clearly, like her chairs or the phone on the side by the front door. But also the things that I saw that reminded me of my Nan, that had her personality and her life captured in the object or the surface. I am very close to my Nan, however, with everything being so hectic I don’t have much time to go to her little house for a visit as often as I used to.
It was very emotional taking photos of my Nan’s house, there were so many things that I remembered from when I was smaller. Painting her step, planting her flowers, the birds nest in the post box. Seeing the photos on the film was even more so, by looking through the images I could see my Nan, everything that I love about her, captured in the stillness of the picture. The photos seemed to speak of her life, and everything that has past in that house. I realised then that I had hit on something powerful, something that I really connected with.
There were many photos that I liked, but I understand now that this is because I felt a certain pull towards the objects that were in them. I have been re-reading Barthes’ Camera Lucida and the idea about how we cannot separate the photograph from the thing that is photographed, I really felt this when looking through these. I had to try and detach myself from the objects and look at the photos themselves with a critical eye to consider which ones worked better in relation to the brief that we were given and the proposal I had decided on. I also asked my tutor Jane which one worked for her, and it was different to the one I had chosen, it is virtually impossible to detach yourself from something that I felt such a connection to.
The choice of photograph that I had made was this image of my Nan’s bedroom at home and the lovely tall mirror that she has had for as long as I remember. I really loved this image because I like the idea of a narrative of a scene, we look for the signs in the room and read about the space. Again, when trying to detach myself from what I know the room to be I see that it is quite an old fashioned room, the furniture is the part of the photograph that I feel emphasises this point, particularly the old wood of the mirror. It feels very lonely and quiet because you can see through the mirror into the room but there is still no one there. I think that instead of it feeling like the person is lost, it feels more like they are absent. Which is exactly what I wanted from these images. My connection to the photograph is that I know it is my Nan’s room, so when trying to capture her, this space, other than the kitchen, feels more like her than the others. Although visually, there is no focus on a particular object, the space creates a narrative but I am not sure that it is quite the right one.